Marco Laverdière

Avocat et checheur associé

Me Marco Laverdière est membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 1994 et est titulaire d’un diplôme de 3e cycle en droits fondamentaux de l’Université de Nantes et d’une maîtrise en droit de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Il est secrétaire et directeur général de l'ordre des optométristes du Québec depuis 1999 et il, il enseigne depuis 2002 dans le cadre du programme de maîtrise en droit et politiques de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke.

Marco Laverdière

Lawyer and research associate

Marco Laverdière has been a member of the Quebec Bar since 1994 and holds a post-graduate degree in fundamental rights from the Université de Nantes and a master's degree in health law from the Université de Sherbrooke. Since 1999, he has been Secretary and Director General of the Quebec Order of Optometrists. In addition, he has been teaching since 2002 in the master's program in health law and policy at the Université de Sherbrooke and, since 2014, is a research associate of the Canada Research Chair on Collaborative Culture in Health Law and Policy. Finally, he is involved in various working groups and forums within the Quebec professional system, in addition to being the author of various texts on health law and professional law.