To question healthcare systems
Based on a vast network of researchers and students, the H-pod aims to produce and disseminate cutting-edge transdisciplinary knowledge on the major challenges shaping the evolution of contemporary healthcare systems.
Prioritize an interdisciplinary approach
The H-pod is the result of a collaboration between Jean-Louis Denis (Canada Research Chair in Healthcare System Design and Adaptation) and Catherine Régis (Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy and the Canada CIFAR AI Chair).
Enhancing research and decision-making
The members of the H-pod conduct ambitious research, publish books and scientific articles. They also participate in international conferences and symposia, in addition to providing expertise to decision-makers and journalists.
About the Hub
The H-POD is based on the assumption that high-performing healthcare systems of the future will heavily rely on innovations in the fields of health policy, healthcare organization, and law.
The voluntary assembly of researchers that make up the H-POD aims to develop cutting-edge transdisciplinary knowledge and a comparative perspective on the major issues shaping the evolution of contemporary healthcare systems, such as digital innovation and the revitalization of medical professionalism. H-POD places a strong emphasis on close collaborations with government policymakers, managers, and practitioners to expand the reach of research. Both national and international students and researchers will find a stimulating research and training environment at H-POD, along with forums for exchanges with the realms of practice and decision-making.