Medical Doctors Reforms: A Comparative Study of England and Canada

L'ouvrage par Catherine Régis, Jean-Louis Denis, Sabrina Germain and Gianluca Veronesi, est maintenant disponible!
En s’appuyant sur une approche comparative du Canada et de l’Angleterre, les auteurs s’intéressent au rôle que peuvent jouer les médecins dans la réforme des services de santé financés par des fonds publics.
À propos du volume:
" …from health and legal backgrounds on both sides of the Atlantic consider how the high status of the profession uniquely influences reforms. With summaries of developments in models of care, and the participation of doctors since the inception of publicly funded healthcare systems, they ask whether professionals might be considered allies or enemies of policy-makers.
With insights for future health policy and research, the book is an important contribution to debates about the complex relationship between doctors and the systems in which they practice. "
Procurez-vous le volume sur le site de Policy Press!